Using Essential Oils

Essential Oils are pure and powerful aromatic extracts of plants produced through steam distillation, cold pressing or solvent extraction. Hundreds to thousands of pounds of plant material are necessary to produce just a small quantity of essential oil, rendering essential oils many times more concentrated than their whole-plant counterparts.
The uses of essential oils are limitless. At Lunaroma we empower you with the ideas, education, knowledge and inspiration to help you get the most of your essential oils, and our products.
Please dilute essential oils instead of applying “neat” or undiluted to the skin. Essential oils should only be applied directly to the skin in cases of first aid, and acute conditions. e.g. using Lavender or Tea Tree oil on bug bites or on a blemish, but even then, when not used appropriately and with care, they can cause sensitivity to the skin of some individuals.
We educate our clients to use a “carrier” or “base” oil to blend and dilute essential oils for skin application. By blending the essential oils into the carrier oil for massage, bath oil, body or perfume oil, the essential oil’s scent will stay on your skin longer, as the base oil helps to inhibit evaporation. The carrier oil will usually render the blend gentle enough for topical application. We encourage you to do research on the Lunaroma website and using other reliable sources when diluting essential oils in order for you to be confident about a proper dilution proportion. We are proud members of NAHA, the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy, for over 20 years, and we encourage the use of the NAHA website for information on the safe use of essential oils. We abide by NAHA standards and adhere to the educated and safe use of essential oils. We recommend you to explore this page for more information on the best practices in safety when using essential oils.
Diluted applications may also irritate very sensitive skin. When using new essential oils which you are not familiar with, always do a small patch test of diluted essential oil on the inner arm and cover with tape or a bandaid for 24 hours before applying elsewhere on the body.
Please do not take essential oils internally unless under the supervision of a medical doctor, a naturopath or an expert and qualified practitioner in the field of health. Many essential oils are not appropriate or safe to ingest under any circumstance, and most importantly, those which are recommended by physicians to be taken internally are always diluted into a carrier oil to protect the delicate tissue of the mouth and esophogus while being swallowed.
aromatic suggestions for essential oil use
- For use in an aromatherapy diffuser, please add the appropriate drops as suggested in the user manual.
- For use in palm inhalation, tap one drop onto the palm of your hand, rub your palms together, cup over nose and inhale deeply.
- Add a few drops to a tissue and place in your pillowcase for an aromatic night’s sleep.
- Add a few drops to a tissue and tuck into the vent of your car or use one of our car diffusers, turn on the heat or AC and diffuse pure aromatherapy into your driving experience.
- Add a few drops (5-10 in 1 tablespoon of carrier oil or lotion) to unscented lotion, body or bath oil to bring aromatherapy to your personal care routine.